2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog | 20263
Economics Courses
ECON 1500 Historical Development of the Mixed Economy
(3 credits)
ECON 2000 Principles of Microeconomics
(3 credits)
ECON 2100 Principles of Macroeconomics
(3 credits)
ECON 2150 Interdependence of the Hawaiian Economy and the Environment: Field Projects
(1-3 credits)
ECON 3010 Public Economics
(3 credits)
ECON 3040 Environmental Economics
(3 credits)
ECON 3070 Labor Economics
(3 credits)
ECON 3200 Economics of the Financial Sector
(3 credits)
ECON 3230 Benefit/Cost Analysis
(3 credits)
ECON 3400 International Trade and Finance
(3 credits)
ECON 3500 Forestry and Natural Resource Economics
(3 credits)
ECON 3700 Current Economic Topics
(1-3 credits)
ECON 3810 Economic Research Methods
(3 credits)
ECON 3925 People of the Environment: Economic Perspective
(3 credits)
ECON 4000 Intermediate Microeconomics
(3 credits)
ECON 4917 DIS Tchg Assoc |
(1-2 credits)
ECON 3010 Public Economics (3 credits)
Examines the rationale of public provision of selected goods and services and compares alternative tax structures in terms of their effects on the rest of the economy and their capacity for financing government expenditures. The effects of the political process on taxes and spending and selected topics in intergovernmental fiscal relations are also considered. Prerequisites: ECON 2000 and ECON 2100.
Common Course Outline